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1. Which latin word is the basis for the English term 'communication'?

Ans. Communicare

2. What is the another name for informal communication?

Ans. Grapevine communication

3. What kind of a barrier is the use of jargon?

Ans. Semantic barrier

4. Which type of reading has to be used while going through cunningly written advertisements and riddles?

Ans. Skimming

5. What sales as a foundation for understanding a poem?

Ans. Titles of the poem

6. What is another name for helping verbs?

Ans. Auxiliary verbs

7. What is a sentence that express command wish or request called?

Ans. Imperative sentences

8. Select the correct reported speech

Alex," my sister hasn't eat and dragon fruit before"

a. Alex said that her sister age dragon fruit before

b. Alex set that her sister hadn't eaten dragon fruit before

c. Alex said that her sister had eaten dragon fruit before

Ans.b) Alex said that her sister hadn't eat in dragon fruit before

9. Which voice is used to emphasis and action?

Ans. Passive voice

10. What are the two broad types of email responses?

Ans. Automatic email reply and personal response

11. What makes the reader ignore messages?

Ans. When there is no useful content in the message

12. In which style are the answers required to be written in open ended question examinations?

Ans. Numerical or scientific writing

13. What is the process of checking surface level errors like spelling mistakes and grammatically incorrect expressions called?

Ans. Proofreading

14. Use the correct question tags: they saw us,__?

Ans. Doesn't she

15. What are the feminine forms of "bachelor" and "wizard"?

Ans. bachlorette


1. Why is feedback necessary for the process of communication?


Feedback is the primary component in communication process because it gives the sender the opportunity to analyse the effect of message

2. What is meant by labelling?


Labelling is describing someone or something in a word or short phrase

3. What is meant by close reading?


In this method we read the whole text without skipping any part and paying attention to every words, sentence, and even punctuation mark in order to understand the text as completely as deeply as possible.

4. What is meant by skimming a text?


Skimming is fast reading sometimes skipping portions for a general comprehension or appreciation of a text. some books should be read fast while others should be read at pace that allows for through comprehension. many books are not even worth skimming.

5. What is meant by theme in poetry?


A poems theme is its major topic subject or message the theme of a poem tells what the poem is about. whether it is about nature, love, loss, patriotism or anything else.

6. Use the words fond and fondness in different sentences.


a) the children are fond of watching the cartoon

b) she has a fondness for jewels

7. What are the different types of tenses in English grammar?


a)past tense

b)present tense

c) future tense

8. Write an example of the opening sentence of an email reply to a query about a product of your company.


I hope you're having a great day

9. What is an informal report ?what are the two types of informal reports?


Informal reports have content and arrangement of facts in a formal manner but are present in an informal style. It's purpose is to meet the immediate requirements that may not require a detailed analysis. There are two common types of informal reports. They are letter reports and memo reports.

10. Write a sentence in which you employee hyperbole.

Ans. I am so hungry I could eat a horse.


1. Explain the main differences between oral and written methods of communication.


Human beings, since prehistoric times,have communicated using gestures, sounds,and mirroring of expressions. Later, language originated and communication has become more effective. Written communication to has a long history which can be traised back to action civilization. The uniform script and hieroglyphics script is an example for it. Human beings used to write on stones and rocks till they discovered papyrus. The invention of paper in China was a milestone in the history of communication. There are several interesting snippets from history associated with human communication. In oral communication the medium of communication is the spoken word and the information is passed on using sound. Face to face communication, telephonic conversation, and voice notes, for under this category. While in written communication the communication involves the exchange of information in the written form. Avoid range of forms use the return words as the medium. Emails, text, letters, reports, SMS, post on social media platforms, documents, handbooks, posters, etc for under the category.

2. What is meant by cultural barrier in communication? explain.


Cultural barriers refer to those cultural differences which can post obstacles to communication. The sender and receiver may belong to different cultures and respond accordingly. Lack of awareness, stereotypes, lack of common experience, etc are some of the obstacles that can crop up.

3. Explain the three levels involved in textual interpretation.


Three levels are used to categorise the process involved in text interpretation. In the first level, which is the 'linguistic', the reader recognise and analyses particular words and their meanings. The second method is called 'microstructure', and it requires the reader to understand and comprehension the content of bigger sections of text rather than just reading words alone. In the third level, the reader recognizes and analyses themes topics, and genre of the text which is known as the' macrostructure'.

4. What are the different purposes of reading?


We read newspapers for information, mostly about the happenings of a day articles; for ideas and perspective; academic books for knowledge; fiction, primary for pressure; and reference books or encyclopedia for specific information. The focus and nature of reading a reference book the first from the mentality and approach of reading a novel. We read a prescribed text completely, repeatedly, and with great attention for study purposes; whereas we rush through newspaper stories selectively. While reading friction we may skip sentences, paragraphs, and sometimes even pages, with the purpose of finishing the book faster. These differences in the methods of reading, thus are based on the purpose of each reading.

5. Write a paragraph on stative and dynamic verbs by providing examples for each.


Stative verbs refers to verbs which express a state or condition. it is also known as state verbs.they are not used in continuous tense forms. EXAMPLE:LOVE,FEEL,DESIRE,OWN,LIKE,WANT,UNDERSTAND,SUPPOSE, RECOGNISE,KNOW,FORGIVE,POSSES,SOUND,BELONGE,TASTE,SEEM,THINK,SMELL,TRUST,CONSIDER,DENOTE,DECLARE,SEE, BELIEVE,REGARD, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE,HAVE ETC ....

Dynamic verbs are also called action verbs. they indicate the beginning, development, or end of an action.


6. Elaborate on sentence transformation.


Sentence transformation means it changed in nature or form. In English grammar, a simple sentence can be converted into a complex or compound sentence and vice versa. Thus, the sentence transformation refers to the change in the form and structure of a sentence without altering its meaning. There occurs different situations and causes to conduct the sentence transformation process .

7. What do you have to include in an email response that declains a job application?


Unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary to say "no"to some applicants who ask to do something or approval of a job or project application. However,some essential etiquets have to be maintained even at the time of refusal response letter.

a) an opening compliment. Say something positive to break the ice.

b) a definite" no"that leaves no doubt about your position of the cleaning the position.

c) statement that keeps the door open to business or relationship in the future.

d) a good luck wish for success in the venture you are refusing to joint.

8. Differentiate between the active and passive vocabulary


Active vocabulary refers to the words which appear in uses spoken and return context. It is a productive side of the language. A user of language can use his active vocabulary confidently because he knows its meaning and usage. In order to ensure the proficiency of the return and spoken languages, learner should add new vocabulary to his existing collection of words. In case of speech, they can employee it fluently with accurate pronunciation. Passive vocabulary refers to words which can be understood by uses when they appear in the speeches and writings of others. But the passive vocabulary does not appear in the spoken and written expressions of the learner. It is a vocabulary that works only on a receptive level. An efficient communicator can change his passive vocabulary to active vocabulary.

9. Compare and contrast information reports and interpretive reports.


The function of information report is to report the facts or collected information in an organised and subjective way. To put it simply, information reports present the situation in its current state and not as at it should be. Therefore there will not be any interpretation or analysis of the situation. The relevant data are collected and properly arranged by putting it in a form, to help the management to take decisions. It includes reports to monitor and control operations,reports to implement policies ,and procedures reports to demonstrate complaints,and reports to document progress. Like an information report, interpretive reports two offer information and facts. However, unlike an information report it analysis interprets facts in an objective and scientific manner. Therefore, it is also called as analytical or investigative report. While analysing and interpreting data,it naturally offers solutions and recommendations to the problem mentioned in the reports. So it is sometimes called a recommendatory report.

10. Explain the benefits of editing.


The editing method includes a throughout examination of the initial version. At this point,a writer should double check the grammar, spelling,and punctuation. Writer should also consider if the concept we meant where clear and whether the aim was met. The writer might proceed to the revision stage of writing after analysing the work.

11. What are the tips to remember while preparing a precis


a) read the passage throughoutly

b) highlight the most essential points

c) give a suitable title for the passage based on the central Idea dealt with

d) a precis should have brevity, clarity, and grammatical accuracy

e) prepare a first draft by arranging and connecting the key points


1. Explain the different forms of communication


a)verbal communication

Oral communication happens in the spoken form. Human communication was oral in its examples of oral communication include face to face conversations, telephonic conversations, interviews ,public speeches ,meetings, debates ,abuse, sarcasm, threads, commands, prophecy, cursing, lectureing, moralising, challenging ,group discussion ,and presentation. Written communication developed later. Written communication has evolved drastically through the ages. It is more formal than oral, and in an organisation setup, will have a format. Technology has advanced very much in this field. Today we have facilities for instant messaging and emails that can sent messages across to the receiver in seconds. Other examples of written communication include letters, reports ,notices, memos and circulars. Under formal conditions,it is always better to reset to return communication.

b)non verbal communication

Non verbal communication realise on external aspect like body language, symbols etc. it does not use words but is more accurate than verbal language as it is more spontaneous. Non verbal communication includes the use of physical appearance, body language,para language, Kinetic, proxemics, chronomics, haptics, silence ,and visual/ graphic elements in communication.

c)formal communication

Based on style and purpose, communication can be formal. Formal or official communication is a form of communication in which the exchange of information is done through the predefined channels. It is rigid, systematic,passes through different stages,and is slow. It would produce documented records and can be tracked at a later time, if necessary. For example, if a worker in a firm wants to convey something to the managing director he or she has to follow the protocol and go through the proper channel, passing through various levels.

d)Informal communication

Informal communication is a type of verbal communication in which the interchange of information does not follow any channels. The communication streches in all directions. It is also known as grapevine communication. It is spontaneous and fast. For example, the communication between friends at workplace during a coffee break is informal.

2. Explain the different types of barriers to communication

Ans.a)physical barrier

Those factor in surroundings that act as obstacles to effective communication are called physical barriers. Image for example talking on the phone while standing in platform of a busy railway station.

b)physiological barrier

Physiological barrier refers to biological condition like dyslexia that affect communication. It can be a barrier to effective communication as it process difficulty in the composition as well as effective reception of message. For example a dice let sick person may suffer from attention disability which can hamper the quality of communication. Nerve disorders can also pose a similar situation.

c) psychological barrier

Psychological barriers are those internal factors that can interfer with communication. It depends on the mental state of the centre of receiver. A prejudice against the person or message, lack of trust in the person or message, lack of attention ,poor retention capacity, etc ..are some of the psychological barrier.

d) semantic barrier

Semantic barriers refers to obstacles to communication that occur from the defective use of language. Language is the most important tool for communication. There are many elements in which the incorrect use of them can cause obstacles to effective communication.

e) perceptual barriers

Perceptual barriers are those obstacles that arise in communication as a result of different perceptions of the centre and the receiver. Education, occupation, age ,etc can be perceptual barriers. For example there is a Notion in the society that people with formal educational qualification are more intelligent than others.

f) cultural barriers

Cultural barriers refers to those cultural differences which can post obstacles to communication. The centre and receiver mein belong to different cultures and respond accordingly. Lack of awareness, stereotypes, and lack of common experience, are some of the obstacles that can crop up.

g) organizational barriers

Organizational barriers are those barriers to communication that can occur due to being a part of an organization or institution. Policy, rules and restrictions, lack of facilities and complexity in structure are some of them.

h) gender barriers

Gender barriers are those obstacles to communication that can arise due to the gender differences of the sender and receiver.

i) emotional barriers

Emotional barriers refer to the hindrances to communication that arise due to emotion. When you have uncontrolled emotions like fear, sorrow ,or even happiness it can effect effective communication. Stress ,attitude and lack of confidence, are some of the emotional barriers.

j) mechanical/ technological barriers

Mechanical or technology barriers are those obstacles to communication which result from problems in equipment used. Poor arrangements like outdated machines and equipments may led to problems. Wrong medium and high cost of technology can also affect the communication.

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Creating an APA annotated bibliography involves listing your sources in APA format, followed by a brief annotation summarizing the source's content, relevance, and credibility. This method ensures your research is well-documented and critically analyzed, aiding in the overall quality of your work.

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