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Updated: Jun 27



1. What is the origin of the word communication?

Ans. Latin word communicare

2. What do you call a present for initiates communication process?

Ans. Sender

3. What are the inventions that were milestone in the field of communication?


4. Which is the most effective style of communication?


5. Why is the style of communication exemplifying in bullying?


6. Which style of communication reflect lack of confidence?


7. What is one way communication?

Ans. It is the floow of information from the sender to the receiver and there is no scope for a feedback

8. Who does encoding ?


9. What should a receiver do to the message to get its meaning


10 what are the two types of two way communication ?

Ans. Symmetric and asymmetric


ans. Human beings since prehistoric times have communicated using gestures sounds and mirroring of expressions. Later language originated and communication has become more effective written communication to has a long history which can be traced back to ancient civilization. Uniform script and hero glyfik script was an example human beings used to write on stones and rocks to the discovered papyrus.

The invention of paper in China was a milestone in the history of communication there are several interesting snipers from history associated with human communication. The invention of printing was yet another moment of landmark mark in communication. Later mini new technology evolved like photography, telegraph, fax, radio, television, internet etc. today we are living in a time where the whole world is connected like a global village. Human communication has come a long way through the ages.

2. What are the different styles of communication


Aggressive communication reffers to such a kind of communication were strong emotions are exhibited raised voice or shouting just that reflect hatred, anger, irritability ,dominant, threatening ,etc are some of the characteristic of such communication.


When the receiver except everything in silence so he or she disagree's to the ideas it can be termed as passive communication it shows a lack of confidence in the person who easily heels to the other person and it may be due to indifference or to avoid confrontation. It is not a healthy practice to be passive in communication as it can lead to long term issues like anger,build up, stress etc.


Some persons may appear passive on the surface but express they dis agreements in subtitle forms they never conferred but you statics like muttering to oneself, sucking ,or spreading romers, and giving back handed complements etc.


It is the most effective style of communication where it person its precious his or her feelings ideas and needs while considering that of others to it has scope for all the participants as there is no dominant or subordinate by anyone it shows the confidence of the communication to hcvt his or her ideas openly there is a clarity in the assertive style of communication and it leaves no scope for misunderstanding.


1. What are the two types of verbal communication?


2. How many participants would dyadic communication have?

Ans .two

3. What are the three types of flow of information in official communication

Ans. Vertical horizontal and diagonal

4. What is the other name for informal communication

Ans. Grapevine communication

5. What branch of study deals with the role of touch in communication?

Ans. Haptics

6. What is proximics?

Ans. Study that deals with the role of touch in communication

7. What is the other name for para language?

Ans. Vocalics

8. What branch of study deals with the role of time in communication?

Ans. Chronomics

9. List any three wheeler words commonly used in English

Ans. Oh,right,so

10. What is mirroring?

Ans . Subtle imitation of speakers gestures

1. Explain formal communication and informal communication

Ans. Formal communication

Formal or official communication is a form of communication in which the exchange of information is done through the predefined channels it is rigid and systematic and also passes through different stages and is slow it would produce documented records and can be tracked at a later time if necessary for example if a worker in a firm wants to convey something to the managing director he or she has to follow the protocol and go through the proper channel passing through various levels it can be vertical or horizontal also diagonal .

Informal communication

Informal communication is a type of verbal communication in which the interchange of information does not follow any channels the communication structures in all directions it is also known as grapevine communication it is mostly oral and flexible informal communication mostly happens among persons of the same level it is spontaneous and fast it requires no predefined channel for instance the communication between friends at workplace during a coffee break is informal.

2. What are the techniques of communication? Explain

Ans. 1.Developed curiosity

Try to develop interest and curiosity in learning new things observe good communicators and learn how they put across information in the most effective manner listen actively when people talk to you read a lot to have a general idea of topics which would help widen your perspective.

2.display enthusiasm

Good communication cannot happen if the receiver look uninterested do not keep a poker face appear enthusiastic it encourages the speaker to communicate the body language should show interest in the communication maintain eye contact it is good if you ask open ended questions that prompt the speaker to communicate more give and receive feedback.

3. Be empathetic

In communication empathy is better feeling than sympathy it places one in the shoes of another person when you are empathy you will have the ability to feel a person feeling as your own it increases the efficiency of communication the justice of the speaker would help in better communication silence is a vital element in communication it can prompt more words out of the other person.

4. Reflect honesty

Staying honest to once feeling and opinions helps in effective communication people to like honest people and there would be an effortless flow of information when the participants involved are honest.

5. Polish sense of humour

Good humour is always welcome in communication make sure that you are jokes are politically correct suitable to the occasion and harmless.


It is useful to have a general sense of positivity in communication smiley more as it makes you more approachable stress management is important as it helps in staying positive.

7. Give importance to clarity

The message should be clear there should not be any scope for missunderstanding in communication.

8. Careful choice of words

In effective communication the careful use of words is very important it should be perfect and avoid such filler words .


1. What are the basic language skills?

Ans. Reading writing speaking and listening

2. What is rhetoric?

Ans. Art of persuasion

3. How many alphabets does English have?

Ans. one

4. What is connotation?

Ans. Symbolic meaning

5. What is denotation?

Ans. Literal meaning

6. What is lingo?

Ans. The vocabulary aur jargon of a particular subject or group of people

7. In what form of communication is gesture a part of?

Ans. Non verbal communication

8. What is the body of words known to an individual person known as?

Ans. Vocabulary

1. What is the difference between denotation and connotation?

Ans. There are two important terms that you should know in relation to language denotation and connotation. Denotation means the literal meaning of a word while connotation implies the cultural emotional and metam metaphorical aspect associated with it. For example the word' home'literally means a building where you live it is the same as a house the connotation behind the word 'home' make people connected to it as something Deeper like a place of comfort love and warm.

2. Water sum of the important uses of language?



Language is used to define something by describing its characteristics it helps in expressing the different characteristic of a person or thing there by defining it on its basis. Language is a set of symbols a sound in language is transcribed as a letter a string of which is known as the alphabet which forms the basic of written language.


Label is to describe someone or something in a word or a phrase

3. Expression

Language is used to express one's thoughts feelings emotions and culture.

4. Reception and transmission of information

Language helps in the sharing of information it is very important in areas like journalism which thrive on the sharing of information

5. Fulfillments of needs

Language aids in full feeling the physical and psychological needs of human beings by clearly expressing them

6. Development as well as maintenance of relationship

Language helps in the sharing of ideas which intern creates relationship between human beings.


Language supports decision making by helping to evaluate options


Language helps to persuade others into our ways of thinking persuasion in an art and the art of persuitives speech is known as rhetoric.

9. Entertainment

Language helps in creative productions that entertain us for instance you might like listening to stories the capability to produce and received stories is a result of the faculity of language in human beings.


1. What kind of a barrier is the use of jargon?

ans. linguistic /semantic

2. What kind of communication is body language?

ans. Non-verbal

3. What is the action of avoiding certain things in formal communication known as?


4. What are the variations in a language known as?

ans. dialects

5. What are the track to communication that occur from the defective use of language known as?

ans. Linguistic barriers

6 write an emotional barrier to communication?

ans. stress

7. Under which communication barrier does the poor arrangement like outdated machines and equipments come?

ans. Mechanical barrier

8. Under which communication category does the example of good posture come?

ans. Non-verbal communication

9. Under which communication barrier does policy, rules and restrictions in the instruction fall?

ans. Organisation barrier

10. What is the name of the barrier in which the mind of the sender/ receiver about the other culture affects communication?

ans. Cultural barrier

1. Explain with examples the physical barrier to communication

ans. Physical barriers: those factors in the surroundings that act as obstacles to effective communication are called 'physical barriers'. Imagine talking on the phone will standing on the platform of a busy railway station. You will come across a lot of in ranches to communication, there are a lot of external factors that become obstacles to communication some of them are listed

1. The use of the defective equipment in the transmission of message can lead to description which can affect the quality of communication

2. The presence of noise can also interfere with the production transmission and reception of a message

3. When communication happens across closed doors and rooms the quality of message maybe compromised

4. Distance between the sender and receiver can also be a barrier to the effective communication of a മെസ്സേജ്

2. What is the psychological barrier to communication?

ans. Psychological barriers are those internal factors that can interfere with communication. It depends on the mental states of the sender of receiver. Sum of the psychological barrier to communication are:

1. A prejudice against the person or message

2. Lack of trust in the person or message

3. Lack of attention

4. Poor retention capacity



1. Why do we read newspapers?

Ans. Information

2. Why do we read articles?

Ans. For ideas and perspectives

3. What is meant by cross reading?

Ans. It is an explication of text

4. Who has written the book title how does a poem mean?

Ans. John ciardi

5. How will you usually start analysing an essay?

Ans. With larger ideas

6. Name a gener that serve both information and literary purpose

Ans. Biography

1. What are the different purposes of reading?

Ans. We read newspapers for information mostly about the happening of the day; articles for ideas and perspectives; academic books for knowledge; fiction Primerly for pleasure; and reference books or Encyclopaedia for specific information. The focus and nature of reading a reference book difference from the mentality and approach of reading a novel. We read a prescribed text completely repeatedly and with great attention for study purposes, whereas vi Rush through newspaper stories selectively. Will reading friction we may skip sentences paragraphs and sometimes even page with the purpose of finishing the book faster. These differences in the methods reading thus are based on the purpose of each reading.

2. How does close reading works?

Ans. Close reading sometimes called explication of text means developing and understanding of a text that's is based on its small details and the larger ideas comprehended from the textual contents or selections. By looking at the various parts of a poem or passage of fiction we come to appreciate the writers artistry and understand how a writer uses various techniques to make a statement suggest an emotion or convey an Idea.

The key to close reading is of course observation taking not of what you read and what you think about it, and asking questions. The good news is that the text you are asked to reach closely are usually not that long which means you can read them several times. Each time you read a text you will notice more and more


1. Which form of reading is the best?

Ans. Active reading

2. What is the first reading sometimes skipping portions for a General comprehension aur appreciation of a text known as?

Ans. Skimming

3. Name a type of book in which skimming can be used

Ans. Fiction

4. What is the type of reading in which you go through lines paragraphs and page quickly to find out some specific information known as?

Ans. Scanning

5 what is an example of a scanning type of reading?

Ans. Referring to a dictionary

6. If you have doubt about whether the book is likely to include the details you require what would you do then?

Ans. Skimming

7. What is the rivers of skimming a text?

Ans. Close reading

8. What type of reading will help the critical analysis of a book?

Ans. Close reading

9. What is the third step in the process of close reading?

Ans. Re-reading passage

10. What is the type of reading used to discover hidden meanings in the text?

Ans. Reading between the lines

1. What are the benefits of giving a book

Ans. Skimming is fast reading sometimes skipping portions for a General comprehension or appreciation of a text. Some books should be read fast while other should be read at a pace that allows for through comprehension. Mini books are not worth even skimming. Speed reading techniques can assist you in resolving this issue because it is wasteful to read a book slowly when it is only suitable for a quick read. It is usually a good idea to skim or pre-reading a book this is especially important when you are ensure about the relevance of the book you are currently holding. Skimming will reveal to you the worth of the book. In order to obtain a sense of a books shape and structure it is typically advisable to skim even a book that you intend you read carefully.

2. Explain amusive reading and reading between the lines with examples?


We read for pleasure such reading is known as amusive reading. For such readings the choice of text is the readers. The Reader may ignore unfamiliar words and expressions and sometimes he/she even keeps Complex Constructions and details this can be also called Timepass reading. Reading a novel while travelling and a Magazine while waiting for the bus examples of amusive reading


This type of reading request keen attention to every details for its purpose is to discover hidden meanings The Reader locates and specifications the others message following certain suggestions and close which he or he decerns in some words expressions sentence Constructions, punctuations associations etc sex reading request wide knowledge and analytical and logical mind and eye for hidden mattress. Cunningly written advertisements and riddles are example of this type of reading.


1. What is the level of textual interpretation in which the reader recognise and analysis particular words and their meanings known as?

Ans. Linguistic

2. What is the level of textual interpretation which requires The Reader to understand and comprehension the content of bigger sections of text known as?

Ans. Microstructure

3. What is the level of textual interpretation in which the reader recognises and analysis themes topics and genre of the text known as?

Ans. macro structure

4. The three levels of categorisation of reading comprehension from together a method known as?

Ans. Textbase

5. What is the board process of the reading comprehension explain in this unit known as?

Ans. Situation model

6. The interaction between the text and readers interpretation of it leads to...

Ans. Deepend understanding

7. What is the element that makes reading more enjoyable?

Ans. Reading comprehension skills

8. In reading comprehension the competence.... to backwards and forwards is very important.

Ans. Scan

9. In reading comprehension the comprehension of.... from sentence structure and punctuations is very important.

Ans. Signals

10. What is generated when we read a similar conden many times?

Ans. Variety of viewpoints.

1. What are the three levels involved in the textual interpretation

Ans. Three levels are used to characterize the process involved in text interpretation. In the first level which is the linguistic The Reader recognises and analysis particular words and their meanings the second method is called micro structure and it request The Reader to understand and comprehend the content of bigger sections of text rather than just reading words alone in the Third Level The Reader recognises and analysis teams,topics and genre of the text witch his known as the macro structure

2. How to improve this skills for reading comprehension?

Ans. The ability to recognise the words and capacity to retain information tha competence to scan backward and forward to relevant words phrases and the comprehension of signals from sentence structure and punctuation Among many other skills and processes, are required to make connections between parts of the passage in order to build up and interpretation such skills improve our reading comprehension ability.


1. Which book of APJ Abdul Kalam consists of the chapter" the dream and the message"?

Ans. Ignited minds

2. In "the dreams and the message "APJ Abdul Kalam anecdotes an event in his life which happened on...

Ans. 30 September 2001

3. Where does APJ Abdul Kalam find himself in the dream?

Ans. In the desert

4. What is the pen name of the writer hector hugh munro?

Ans. Saki

5. Who is the Protagonist of the short story The open window

Ans. Vera

6. which significant concept is portrayed in the short story the opened window?

Ans. Childhood

7. What stands essay symbol and metaphor in this short story The open window?

Ans. Window

8. Who wrote the poem The blessed damozel?

Ans. Dante. Gabriel rosetti

9. What Does The Wyatt lily flower in the blessed damozal symbolise?

Ans. Christ resurrection

10. Write a theme of the blessed damozel

Ans. Grief beyond death

1. What were the thoughts of 5 great thinkers who appear in the dream of Kalam?

Ans. Imagines Ek conversation between 5 people whom he admires. Kalam fees dwarfed by the Majestic presence of Emperor Ashoka. The two leaves combined in Ashoka were that of a merciless Conqueror and a compassionate ruler. He had to pay a heavy cost to become victorious in the war as an intense consider the battle of Kalinga in which leaves of 300000 people were climbed and a comparable number were wounded. Though Ashoka courses horror and destruction climbing many lives he accepte ahimsa and Dharma and decided to read the message of love through them.

Mahatma speaks that the divine message that we hearing is the message of creation he believe that as we all belong to this planet it is necessary to give a message to mankind. This is a message how people of different religions races and languages can co exist purposefully and peacefully together Mahatma says that god has blessed everyone with some unique qualities that should be passed on to mankind in the form of our efforts and actions.

Calif omer says that after entering Jerusalem he realizes that all men or

equal so there is no point in compelling others to follow our path people get only what they have been ordained for and god is the only sovereign

The next speaker is Einstein who said that he would like to recall the view of werner Heisenberg. Werner say that is the best they had build an attractive large ship with all the Comforts but one thing was missing in it that was a compass so that they could not identify their destination

The great American leader Abraham Lincoln fought against slevery which is a parallel story of Mahatma in some respects. Lincoln says that happiness is acquired when a family ensured prosperity at various levels human leaves become blessed only if there is the grace of God

2. What message did Mahatma Gandhi convey?

Ans.Mahatma speaks that the divine message that we hearing is the message of creation he believe that as we all belong to this planet it is necessary to give a message to mankind. This is a message how people of different religions races and languages can co exist purposefully and peacefully together Mahatma says that god has blessed everyone with some unique qualities that should be passed on to mankind in the form of our efforts and actions.



1. What is a verb?

and.A verb is a term which indicates an action or state of being or occurrence.

2. What are lexical verb?

ans.The verbs which have an independent meaning.

3. What are auxiliary verb?

ans. Grammatical words which do not have an independent meaning.

4. Which works are also known as helping work?

ans.Auxiliary verbs.

5. Which are the two different types auxiliaries?

ans.Primary auxiliary and modal auxiliary.

6. Write any two examples of primary auxiliary verb

ans. Am, is

7. Write any two examples of model auxiliaries?

ans.Will, shall

8. What are adverbs?

ans Adverbs are words which modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

9. Which are the different kind of adverbs

ans.Adverbs of place, adverbs of time.

10. What are pronounce?

ans.Words which are used as substitutes for nouns.

11. Which type of pronoun are used to point out a specific person or thing?

ans. Demonstrative pronouns.

12. With type of pronun are used to depict persons in many forms?

ans. Personal pronouns.

13. What are relative pronounce?

ans.The pronouns which describe the noun that is mentioned before it.

14. What are reciprocal pronoun?

ans. The pronouns which indicate a reciprocal relationship.

15. What are it interrogative pronoun?

ans. Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.


1. What is a sentence?

ans. a sentence is a group of words which Express a complete thought?

2. Which of the following group of words can be considered as a sentence?

a. The doctor apple keeps away a day an.

b. Living he in my city.

c. Gandhiji is regarded as the Father of our Nation.

ans. Gandhiji is regarded as the father of our nation

3. Frame a sentence from the following group of words.

he singer talented is a

ans. He is a talented singer

4. Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentence.

Ram is riding a bicycle.

ans. subject :ram

predicte:is riding a bicycle

5. What is an Assertive sentence?

ans. A sentence which explain a factor makes a sentence is known as an assertive sentence

6. Which of the following is an example of an Interrogative sentence?

a. What are your plans for future?

b. Open the windows.

c. He is living in an island.

ans. What are your plans for future

7. What is an Imperative sentence?

ans. Imperative sentences are comments wish or request

8. What is an Exclamatory sentence?

ans. A sentence which Express a sudden feelings or an emotion is known as an exclamatory sentences

9. What is a Simple sentence?

ans. A sentence which has only one main clause

10. What is a Complex sentence?

ans. a sentence which has only one main clause and two or more subordinate clauses

11. What is a Compound sentence?

ans. A sentence which has two or more main clauses

12. What is a Positive sentence?

ans. Positive sentences affiramtive sentences without negative words

13. What is a Negative sentence?

ans. Sentences with any negative words

14, Change into Assertive.

Open the doors and windows.

ans you should open the doors and windows

15. Change into Question.

He is a professor.

ans. Is he a professor?

16. Which of the following is a negative sentence?

a. He hates watching news.

b. Hurry up! We have hardly one hour left.

c. She is jealous of her friend.

ans. Hurry up! we have hardly 1 hour left


1. What is concord?

Ans. Subject verb agreement

2. What are the three different types of concord?

Ans. Grammatical Concorde National Concord and Concorde proximity

3. What is Grammatical concord?

Singular subject takes a singular werb. a plural verb is used with plural subjects

4. What is the agreement of a subject with a verb based on the meaning of that sen-

tence rather than the syntax known as?

Ans. National Concord

5. Which concord states that the verb should agree with the nearby noun?

Ans. Concord of proximity

6. Write down the types of verbs (singular or plural) which agree with the following subjects:

We, he, she, they

Ans. We- plural verb he- singular verb she -singular verb they - plural verb

7.Identify the correct sentence.

a) I are a student.

b) I am a student.

c) I is a student

Ans. I am a student

8. Identify the correct sentence.

a) He was absent on that day.

b) He am absent on that day.

c) He were absent on that day.

Ans. He was absent on that day

9. Spot the error in the following sentences.

a. A pair of spectacles are on the table.

b. More than one girls are playing on the ground.

c.Somebody have taken my bottle.

d. Each song of the film are melodious.

e. A good number of artists is coming to the biennale.

f. A tennis player and a coach has attended the function.

Ans.a) A pair of spectacles is on the table.

b) More than one girl is playing on the ground.

c) Somebody has taken my bottle.

d) Each song of the film is melodious.

e) A good number of artists are coming to the biennale.

f) A tennis player and a coach have attended the function.


1.What is tense?

ANS. Tense denotes the time of an action

2.Which are the three different tenses in English grammar?

Ans. The present tense past tense and future tense

3.Which tense is used to denote a universal truth or proverb?

Ans. The simple present tense

4. Which tense is used to express an action that is progressing at this moment?

Ans. The present continuous tense

5. Which tense is used to denote a recent action for which time is not mentioned?

Ans. The present perfect tense

6. What is the form of the Present Perfect Continuous tense?

Ans. Subject +has been/have been+(verb)ing

7. Spot the error in the following sentences:

a. She is going to market daily.

b. He has reading newspaper now.

Ans. a. She goes to market daily

b. He is reading newspaper now

8. Which tense is used to denote a past action completed at a particular time?

Ans. The simple past

9. Which tense is used to denote the continuity of an action that took place in the


Ans. The past continuous

10. What is the form of the Past Perfect tense?

Ans. Subject +had+ past participle of the verb

11. What is the form of the Past Perfect continuous tense?

Ans. Subject +had been +(verb)ing+object

12. Which tense is used to denote an event which will occur in the future?

Ans. The simple future

13. Which tense is used to express an ongoing action in the future?

Ans. The future continuous

14. Spot the error in the following sentences:

a. He had write a play.

b. We believe that we will have win this game.

Ans.a. He had written a play

b. We believe that we will win this game


Use the correct tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets:

a. temple daily. (is going, goes)

Ans. goes

b. cousin lately. (did not see, have not seen)

Ans. Have not seen

c. he.............your point. (is understanding, understands)

Ans. Understands

d. they..........the matter soon. (will discuss, discuss)

Ans. Will discuss

e. Vinay London last year. (goes, went)

Ans. Went

f.We believe that he......this test. (passed, will pass)

Ans. Will pass.


1. Which are the two ways of reporting the words of a speaker?

Ans. Direct speech and indirect speech

2. Which are the two parts of Direct Speech?

Ans. Reporting part and speech part

3. Identify the correct statement related to Direct Speech.

a) In Direct Speech, the words of the speaker are exactly repeated.

b) Quotation marks are not used in Direct Speech.

c) Direct Speech is also known as Reported Speech.

Ans.Indirect speech the words of the speaker are exactly reported

4. Which of the following is changed, when Direct Speech is converted to Indi-

rect Speech?

a)Change in verb form according to the tense of the reporting verb.

b) Change in the reporting verb.

c) Change in time and place expressions.

d) All the above.

Ans. All the above

5. Change the following modals into Indirect Speech





Will- would

Should -should

6. Change the following time and place expressions to the Indirect Speech







7. Which of the following reporting verbs are used for reporting an Imperative


Exclaimed with joy, advised, shouted in delight, requested, enquired

Ans. Advised, requested

8. Which of the following reporting verbs are used for reporting a question?

Asked, ordered, commanded, enquired, apologized, advised

Ans. Asked, enquired

9. Which of the following reporting verbs are used for reporting an Exclamatory


Ordered, exclaimed with sorrow, advised, prayed, wished, enquired

Ans.Exclaimed with sorro,wished,prayed

10. Which is the connective used for reporting the questions beginning with

auxiliary verbs?

Ans. If or whether

11. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech

a) He says, "I am good".

b) The King said to the soldier, "Bring the thief here".

Ans. a. He says that he is good

b. The king ordered the soldier to bring the thief there

12. Change the following questions into Indirect Speech.

a) "What is your email id?", she asked.

b) She asked, "Why are you so happy today?"

Ans. a. She asked what my email ID was

b. She asked why I was so happy that day.


1. What is Voice?

Ans. The form of the verb that denotes whether the subject acts or the subject is the receiver of an action is called voice

2. Which Voice is used to emphasize the action?

Ans. Passive voice

3. Which Voice is used to emphasize the doer?

Ans. Active voice

4. Which form of the verb should be used in the Passive Voice?

Ans. Past participle form of the verb

5. Which Object is usually taken as the Subject in the Passive Voice?

Ans. Directly object

6. Convert the following sentences into the Passive Voice

a. The driver has helped the beggar.

b. The mother beat the child.

c. I will invite you.

d. He has threatened me.

Ans.a) The beggar has been helped by the driver.

b) The child was beaten by the mother.

c) You will be invited by me.

d) I have been threatened by him.

7. What do you mean by an Object Complement?

Ans. An object compliment refers to a noun or an adjective that describe an object

8. Which form is commonly used after modal verbs to indicate a possibility?

Ans. Passive Infinitive form

9. What is the word order for converting an Imperative Sentence into the Passive


Ans. Let+object +be+past participle

10. What is the passive form of questions beginning with do/does?

Ans. Am/ia/are+object+past particple of the verb+by+subject

11. What is the passive form of questions beginning with did?

Ans. was/were+object+ 5 participle of the verb+by+subject

12. Change the following Imperative Sentences into the Passive Voice.

a. Please come in.

b. Shut your mouth.

c. Raise some funds for the event.

Ans. You are requested to come in

Let your mouth be shut

Let us raice some funds for the event

13. Change the following Interrogative Sentences into the Passive Voice

a. Do you know my address?

b. Who invited you to the event?

Ans. If my address known to you?

By whom were you invited to the event?


1. What do you mean by Sentence Transformation?

Ans. Sentence transformation refers to the change in the form of a sentence without altering it meaning

2. How can we convert a Simple sentence to a Compound sentence?

Ans. Elaborate a word or a phrase into a clause

3. How can we convert a Compound sentence to a Simple sentence?

Ans. Reduce a clause into a phrase or word

4. How can we convert a Simple sentence to a Complex sentence?

Ans. Elaborate a word or a phrase into a subordinate clause

5. Convert the following Simple sentences to Compound sentences

a. You must learn the rules to finish this task.

b. Seeing the principal, the students greeted him.

Ans. a. You must learn the rules and the finished the task

b. The students Saudi principal and greeted him

6. Convert the following Compound sentences to Simple sentences.

a. You must obey the rules of this company or you will be suspended.

b. They were hungry and they went to a family restaurant.

Ans. a. You must obey the rules of the company to avoid suspension

b. Being hungry they went to a family restaurant

7. Convert the following Simple sentences to Complex sentences.

a. She is too young to drive a car.

b. It is an important matter to be discussed today itself.

Ans. a. She is doing that she cannot drive a car

b. It is an important matter which we should discuss today itself

8. How can we convert a Complex sentence to a Simple sentence?

Ans. Reduce a subordinate clause to a phrase or a word

9. How can we convert a Complex sentence to a Compound sentence?

Ans. Modifysubordinate clouse into a main clouse

10. Convert the following Complex sentences to Simple sentences.

After finishing her homework, she watched a film.

If you follow the advice of your coach, you can become the best athlete.

Ans. Having finished her homework She watched a film

Follow the advice of your coach to become the best athlete

11. Convert the following Compound sentences to Complex sentences.

His father compelled him to study journalism, but he took physics.

Amal was in Dubai and he worked there as a computer engineer for two


Ans. Though his father compelled him to study journalism he took physics.

While ml was in Dubai he worked there as a computer engineer for 2 years.


1. I have read a................. written by Browning. (poem, poetry)

ans. poem

2. He is not able to quit his......... of telling lies. (custom, habit)

ans. habit

3. The judge ordered that the criminal should be........ (hung, hanged)

ans. hanged

4. Mr. Shah's shop was

yesterday. (stolen, robbed)

ans. robbed

5. These shoes are .......... leather. (made of, made from)

ans made of

Spot the error in the following sentences

6. The cheetah runs more faster than the deer.

ans. The Cheetah runs faster than the dear

7. I found guitar she lost at the studio.

ans. I found the guitar she lost at the studio

8. She is an European.

ans. She is a European

9. Telengana is a state of the India.

ans Telangana is a state of India

10. I prayed to the God.

ans. I prayed to God



1. What will help a learner in acquiring a secondary set of language related abilities?

Ans. A systematic understanding of writing

2. What are the classifications of writing?

Ans. Creative writing and non creative writing

3. What is creative writing?

Ans. Creative writing is any sort of writing that is unique and expensive of the author

4. What is the function of creative writing?

Ans. It's function is to reveal rather than to ഇൻഫോം

5. What are some creative writing examples?

Ans. Works of poetry short story novels personal essays etc..

6. What is non creative writing?

Ans. Non creative writing deals with concept and is intended to instruct

7. What is the purpose of non creative writing?

Ans. It's purpose is to add to and broaden ones knowledge

8. What are some examples for non creative writing?

Ans. Books about History religion science etc

9. What are the basic elements of writing process?

Ans. Content form structure and style

10. What is the essence of the writing process?

Ans. Content

1. Explain the elements of writing?

Ans. (a) content: it is the essence of the writing process it is basically the experience that the writers gain from their life or from their surroundings through close observation

(b)form : form relates to how and where a piece of writing will appear it determines how authors choose a particular language tone and structure in writing a text

(c) structure : it is the organisation from of writing material the structure is all about outlining the structure of a peace/text including its order of events how they are delivered and how they are all interwoven together to develop a structure the writer must first organise his material that is by deciding how much of what should be included in the work and in what sequence it is to be arranged

(d) style : style in writing is described as the manner in which a writer writes. It is a strategy used by a single author in his writing it differs from author to author and is determine by Syntax word choice and tone

2. Explain the basic approaches of writing?

Ans. (a)planning/prewriting:

The planning or Pre writing step includes conceptualising which takes ones writing purpose and aim into consideration during the planning stage a writer should consider who their readers will be and what the objective of their work will be

(b) organising: it is not UN common for a writer to struggle with picking the most significant pieces of information from the ideas generated during the planning stage as a result once the writers have developed their writing strategies it is time to arrange their thoughts

(c) writing /drafting :

A writer should create a rough draft in the early writing stage using the ideas developed during the planning step

(d) editing: this writing method includes a thorough examination of the initial version. At this point a writer should double check the grammar spelling and punctuations.

(e) revising: revising requires changing the work in response to criticism and a comprehensive review


1. What should you have in your mind before you write the answer down on paper?

Ans. Structure of answer

2. What level of language should be used when you answer questions?

Ans. Simple language

3. What should you do after completing the first draft of the answer?

Ans. Revisit the answer

4. Through which platform is formal written communication mainly processed nowadays?

Ans. Email

5. Which type of email response do we use for the instant email response send without human involvement?

Ans. Automated email reply

6. What is usually included in the opening line of the body part in an email reply?

Ans. Greeting

7. How can you give details about your company or institution in response email?

Ans. Attachment or link

8. Where would you place the following sentence in an email response: if you like further information we would be placed to set up a call and a meeting to extent our service on this matter.

Ans. Conclusion

9. What would you include in the opening line of a job declineing response email?

Ans. Complement

10. What would you include in the closing line of a job decline response letter or email?

Ans. Good luck wish.

1. What are the processes involved in answering questions?

Ans. (a) take thinking time: take time befor you Rush had long to answer questions make a pause which will provide you time for thinking about your reply or answer

(b) understand the question: before you answer questions make yourself confident that you have understood the questions

(c) address the question: answering questions should not be vague. Impressive answers address the issues that the questions highlights

(d) structure the answer: you need to structure your answer in your mind before you write it down in a paper

(e) use simple language: when you answer questions the language employed should be simple in order to avoid confusion due to ambiguous sentence

(f) chunk your answer: divide your answers into different sections so as to answer the question accurately.

(g) take a balance approach: when you write an answer you need to adopt a balance approach in your response to the question

(h) revisit the answer: when you complete your writing of the answer you need to revisit the answer in order to ensure that you have satisfactorily answered the question

2. Elaborate only approving and the cleaning of applications with proper examples.

Ans. The approval of his own her application has to strictly contain the main objective of the email informing the applicant about the acceptance of the application it can also include the appreciation of The applicant and /or the sharing of the happiness on the acceptance of the application the email can also have a short bio description of the company or the institution convey the recipient the nature and designation of the job or new assignment try to build a report with the applicant in the email itself and offer or support from this side of the company or the Institution.unfortunately sometimes it is necessary to say no to some applicants who ask you to do something or approval of a job or project application. When you put together a refusal be sure to include

(a) an opening complement say something positive to break the ice.

(b) a definite"no" that leaves no doubt about your position of declineing the position

(c) statement that keeps the door open to business or relationship in the future

(d) a good luck wish for success in the venture you are refusing to join.


1.What is active vocabulary?

Ans. Words which appear in users spoken and written contexts

2. What is passive vocabulary?

Ans. Words which can be understood by users when they appear in the speeches and writings of others

3. What is meant by high frequency vocabulary?

Ans. These are general vocabulary employed in everyday life

4. What is meant by mid frequency vocabulary?

Ans. It is range of vocabulary between the high frequency and low frequency

5. What is meant by Low frequency vocabulary

Ans. Low frequency words occur only infrequently

6. Why is taking risk preferable in studying vocabulary?

Ans. To improve learners vocabulary power.

1. Differentiate between the active and passive vocabulary.

Ans. Vocabulary can be divided into active and passive categories active vocabulary refers to the words which appear in users spoken and written contexts it is a prodective side of the language.A user of language can use his active vocabulary confidently because he know its meaning and usage. In order to ensure the proficiency of the written and spoken languages a learner should add new vocabulary to his existing collections of words. User of a language can use their active vocabulary in its right position recall it easily and apply it in a grammatically accurate way indicates of speech they can employ it fluently with accurate pronunciation

Passive vocabulary refers to words which can be understood by users when they appear in the speeches and writings of others but the passive vocabulary does not appear in this spoken and written expressions of the learner it is a vocabulary that works only on a receptive level and efficient communicator can change his passive capillary to active vocabulary in the course of time and learn can change his passive vocabulary into active vocabulary if he is a enthusiastic and passionate in language learning

2. Write some of the important task to enhance vocabulary for learners.

Ans.(a) keeping vocabulary records: alenar of vocabulary can keep his notebook for recording vocabulary he can follow different methods and techniques to remember new words. Picturise, graphically represent, find out pronunciation,provide its Opposite words and write down associate words

(b) word grammar: in addition to learning the vocabulary of a language the grammar related with vocabulary can also be mastered so as to avoid mistakes in writing and speaking.

(c) taking risk with vocabulary: if we use only a minimum amount of words and ideas in our communication our language will not improve it is better we take risk rather than following easy methods.

(d) using dictionaries : a dictionary can help a long way in improving vocabulary referring to a dictionary is necessary to understand the proper meaning of a word.


1. What is considered as a key component of social enjoyment professional success and educational advancement?

Ans. Effective communication

2. In what kind of where should we Express ourselves even through we feel like posing someone?

Ans. Use inoffensive language

3. The ability to use..... at the ideal moment saves the day

Ans. Ideal words

4. What words should you avoid when describing facts

Ans. Words that create a sense of doubt

5. What determines the tone of your writing?

Ans. The audience

6. What mistakes The Reader ignore message?

Ans. The use of offensive language

7. What is needed while documenting facts?

Ans. Assertion of accuracy

8. What gives colour of communication?

Ans. The writing style or tone

9. What is the writing in a dignified and polite manner known?

Ans. Formal writing

10. What do accuracy clarity and impressiveness is writing suggest?

Ans. Success in writing.

1. Write a note on the fundamental elements of effective communication.

Ans. (a) proper words: i the commercial world communication is the key to everything people work efficiently and people are made of flush and blood they have wants hopes and sentiments they ability to select the right word at the right moment saves the day. Other types it advantageous to have a good language skills since you can communicate your ideas clearly

(b) clarity of purpose of concept: creating a tone for your message is similar to having a predetermined objective or aim if you want to deal with facts in a report but employ phrases like may or could it will seem doubtful

(c) innoffensive use of language: even when we have opposing opinions we must never come out as being by employ direct dogmatic and opinionated language that can offend the reader we risk closing the mind to the message and rendering the entire effort pointless.

(d) the style of your writing: the writing style or tone of your written communication is the last and most crucial component this is how your communication takes on colour this statement vs denial is what distinguishes comedy from sarcasm.


1. Which type of questions is this:" what is the green leaf like structure that supports flower known as? Ans. Factual questions

2. Which type of questions is this :"explain the application of some common software in your daily life"?

Ans. Itni se factual question to be answered by remembering concept ideas and methods

3. For some questions the candidate is required to conclusions or apply knowledge to fresh circumstance.what is this mental process called?

Ans. Critical thinking

4. What are the three types of questions that are usually asked in examination?

Ans. The Three Types of questions that are usually asked in examinations are problem solving questions objective true or fails questions and essay questions

5. In which style the answers should be written for descriptive questions?

Ans. Complete sentence

6. What are the different components of writing such as spelling punsatians capitalisation and Abbreviation known as?

Ans. Writing mechanics

7. What is the key technique to write correct answers for problem solving questions in an examination

Ans. Self testing

8. What process does the candidate need to do after writing all the questions in the examination paper?

Ans. Reviewing.

1. Describe the methods for taking different type of questions

Ans. (a) problem solving questions: the key technique to winning success in any exam is to practice self testing especially for problem solving questions doing lots of problem solving exercises to prepare for examinations will make similar questions easier to answer.

(b) multiple choice questions: in the multiple choice questions section you have to read initially the stem :the problem that the candidate has to answer using multiple choice make sure you identify what is being asked at what could be the answer from the multiple option given. try to think of the right answer before you check the available options.

(c) essay questions: practicing essay writing is the best approach to getting ready for essay questions. Expect questions which are most likely to be asked and practice for the same with the help of your course materials create outlines for possible essay subjects so that you will get an idea of what might be asked in the exam

2. What are the tips to write good answer?

Ans. (a) the answer should be written in complete sentences: in open ended questions the answers must be written in full sentences exceptions are allowed in some questions types like filling chart drawing diagrams etc.

(b) consider the length of answers: it is common to worry about how much to write when faced with an open and test questions the accepted size of your answer can be estimated by the number of lines on the exam if you use large handwriting a normal sentence will take up about one and a half line.

(c) respond to what is asked: althrough answering the question may look simple you must give attention to writing only what is asked in the question. Respond directly to the question

(d) relevance of mechanics: the rules being followed in the different components of writing such as spelling punctuations capitalisation and Abbreviations are known as writing mechanics Hindi composition of sentences mechanics also related to proper grammar usage and appropriate word choice while writing

(e) substantiate answer with details: this is the most significant point to remember while you respond to open ended questions especially in long answers to give support for the answer means the addiction of details that clarify or provide details regarding your response.




1. What is the condensed version of a long text, covering the essential informa

tion within it called?

Ans. Summery

2. Does a summary have a heading?

Ans. No

3. Is summary always in written form?

Ans. No it can be in spoken form also

4. What gives only the precise and absolutely important points?

Ans. A precis

5. In what form will a précis be always in?

Ans. Written form

6. What will a précis have at the beginning?

Ans. A heading

7. Can personal opinions be added while making a summary or a précis?

Ans. No

8. Writing a summary helps improve which skill?

Ans.Reading skill

9. What helps in improving analytical and vocabulary skills?

Ans. Writing a precies

10. How does the art of condensation help people?

Ans. It helps in saving time and energy.

1. Explain the process of writing a summary?

Ans.(a). Read the text thoroughly.

(b). Stay focused about your objective.

(c) Identify the important points. You

can underline or highlight them for better


(d). Write down the summarised version of

the longer text using keywords. You can avoid

examples, illustrations, similes, metaphors.Strike off unnecessary expressions, if you

want. However, follow the right sequence

while presenting the ideas as in the original


(e). Remember that while writing a summary,

do not add or develop any idea of your own,

which means don't add your personal opinions

while writing a summary.

(f). Be careful not to reproduce the statements

from the original text, but write down in your

own words in simple English. Thus it helps

you to improve your vocabulary as well.

(g) Another important point to keep in mind

is the length of the summary. The ideal length

is one third of the original passage. Avoid too

many specific details.

(h). Also remember that summarising is

not just a rephrasing of the original text, but

involves analysing the information to identify

the key aspects.

2. What is the process of precis writing?

Ans.(a)Read the passage thoroughly.

(b)Highlight the most essential points.

(c)Give a suitable title for the passage based on the central idea dealt with.

(d)A précis should have brevity,clarity and grammatical accuracy.

(f) Prepare a first draft by arranging

and connecting the key points.


1. What is an abstract?

Ans. An abstract is a condensed form of writing that gives an overview of the text.

2. How can you differentiate and abstract and as summary?

Ans.An abstract is shorter than a summary and presents only the crux of the text while a good summary presents an entire text in a nutshell.

3. What is the significance of writing keywords?

Ans.Keywords act as indexing terms, which appear in the search results when a potential reader surf for similar information.

1. What are the features of a good abstract

Ans. (a) an abstract is a stand alone text and comprehensible enough without any external references

(b) It should summarise the original

text with maximum efficiency,

clarity and economy of words.

(c) It functions as a screening de-

vice, helping potential readers to

understand the importance of the

text in their work.

(d) It includes indexing terms (key-

words or key phrases) used for

providing indexing, searches and

retrieval mechanisms, in an era

of information explosion. That is,

the title, abstract, and keywords

employed are used by the search

engines. This makes your work

easily accessible and findable. So

what you write in your abstract is

crucial for helping other potential

readers to find out their desired

information in your paper during

their searches.

2. What are the tips for writing a abstract?

Ans.(a)Read abstracts written by other

researchers or that got published

in journals, as much as you can.

It will help you to understand the

structure and style of writing an


(b) Make your abstract concise and

clear. Avoid detailed descriptions,

obscure jargon, and unneces-

sary words that make sentences

lengthier. Each sentence should

communicate a point.

(c) Check the guidelines and follow

the stipulated formatting style,

such as APA format, MLA for-

mat, etc., as recommended by the

submitting authority.

(d)As an abstract is your brainchild,

you must avoid citing sources.


1. What is an essay?

Ans. An essay is a written composition in which the writer shares his information regarding the topic

2. Who is considered the 'Father of Essays'?

Ans. Montaigne

3. What kind of essay is Charles Lamb famous for?

Ans. Personal or informal essays

4. What is referred to as 'Baconian' essays?

5. Who is the author of the argumentative essay "Becoming a Learner: Realizing

the Opportunity of Education"?

Ans. Matthew L. Sanders

6. Which essay form looks into the deeper levels of the text?

Ans. Analytical

7. Which essay form uses the vivid detailing of a situation or an object?

Ans. Descriptive

8. What do reflective or philosophical essays deal with?

Ans. Philosophical or reflective essays deal with profound and deep subjects often Universal in team

9. What is the first step in the process of essay writing?

Ans. Collection of material and data

10. What are the three parts of an essay?

Ans. Introduction,body and conclusion.

1. What is the structure of an essay?

(a) Introduction

The writer presents his central idea or thesis

statement in the introduction. It will also

provide the necessary background information

needed to make sense of the essay. Here are

some points to keep in mind while making an

introduction to your essay:

Avoid starting abruptly and using jargon or

bombastic beginnings.

Make an attempt to connect the introduction

with the title of the essay.

Make sure that your introduction is catching

the attention of the reader. So make use of

anecdotes, definitions or related quotations to

impress the readers.


This is the main part of the essay where

the development of thought occurs. Here

we elaborate our thoughts and ideas with

supporting research and claims. By comparingand contrasting, challenging, questioning, and

establishing, we bring every nuance to the

thesis statement. Each paragraph has a topic

sentence (where the main idea is introduced),

supporting details (also called developers),

and the concluding sentence or terminator.


A short and effective conclusion will take

your essay to another level. It summarizes what

you have mentioned so far and provides a way

ahead. It also offers solutions for the problems

mentioned in the essay, recommendations and

suggestions for further research.

2. What are the key features of an essay?

Ans. (a)Good essays require careful consideration of thought, planning and selection

of primary and secondary materials.

(b) An essay must carry out a balanced

viewpoint, and not a biased one.

(c)An essay should have a direct, simple,

and lucid style, devoid of any

kind of


(d)Coherence and continuity of thought

between paragraphs.

(e)A good essay will cover the various as-

pects of the topic comprehensively.

(f)Addition of anecdotes, ideas, quota-

tions and examples makes essays impressive to the reader.


1. What is a Report?

Ans.reports are descriptions of what happened in the past

2. What are the five 'wh' questions?

Ans. What when where why who

3. What serves as a repository of information?

Ans. Reports

4. What are the two classifications of reports?

Ans. Oral report and written report

5. Informal reports are sometimes referred to as what?

Ans. Short report

6. What are the two common types of informal reports?

Ans. Letter report and memory report

7. Report written in the format of a business letter is called what?

Ans. Letter report

8. Report written in the inter-office memorandum format is called what?

Ans. Memo report

9. What are the three classifications of formal reports?

Ans. periodic report, Information Report, interpretive report

10. What do you call reports that are issued at regular intervals?

Ans. Routine report.

1. Explain informal reports?

Ans.These reports have content and arrangement of facts in a formal manner but are presented in an informal style. Its purpose

is to meet the immediate requirements that

may not require a detailed analysis. So they

are shorter in length (maybe under 10 pages)

than the formal reports, also known as 'short

reports'. These are commonly used to inform

an internal audience. For example, when

your boss asks you to update him/her about

your team's progress on the current project

you are working on, you prepare an informal

report. You can use the format of a letter/mail

or memorandum to write it. Thus the two

common types of informal reports are letter

reports and memo reports.

(a)letter report

(b)memo report

2. What is the process of writing report?

Ans.(a)Write down every point you want to

mention in a report beforehand.

(b)"The horror of that moment," the King

went on, "I shall never, never forget!"

"You will, though," the Queen said, "if

you don't make a memorandum of it."

- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

(c)Separate opinions from facts while

writing a report. For example, facts

don't change, no matter who reports

them. But conclusions and suggestions

are opinions. Both are necessary, but

make it clear to the reader.

(d)Write concisely, using active rather

than passive forms, without making the

sentences too complex grammatically.

(e)Use graphic aids, such as tables, dia-

grams, charts, drawings, etc. to present

voluminous statistical data and details

of complex ideas in less space with

more accuracy. It further enhances the

layout of the report and makes it readable.


1. Which draft of content will have more clarity, precision, accuracy and effectiveness?

Ans. Final draft

2. What improves the quality of the final version of a document?


3. Which type of English user has been more helped by the process of editing?

Ans. English as a second language

4.What helps you to rearrange your ideas of content in the right order and helps

you keep focused?

Ans. Editing

5.Which devices should be used in content to ensure a smooth transition from

one idea to another in coherence?

Ans. Linking devices

6. What is the last step in editing a text?

Ans. Proofreading

7. What should be considered in the final check process of proofreading?

Ans. Surface level errors

8. What will increase your efficiency while proofreading a text?

Ans. Taking breaks

9. Where would a proofreader usually rely on in case of doubt on words or phrases?

Ans. A standard grammar book or dictionary

10. Which point of view should be used while reading the draft carefully and thoroughly?

Ans. The objective point of view.

1. What are the process of editing?

Ans. (a) read carefully and thoroughly the full draft with objectivity

(b)Examine the accuracy of the write-up

by checking the structure of sentences,

grammatical errors, punctuation mis-

takes and appropriateness of expres-


(c)Omit unnecessary words, expressions,

sentences or even paragraphs.

(d)Add relevant materials, if needed, to

substantiate a point that you mentioned.

(e)Rearrange paragraphs to ensure consis

tency and appropriateness.

(f)Edit the opening and closing para-

graphs with great care, as they leave an

(g)impression on the reader's mind.

Ensure that all points have been given

proper weightage and attention.

(h)Introduce a judicious mix of sentence

structure, to serve the reading prefer-

ences of readers. But remember that

such mixing of multifarious writing

styles must be in harmony with the text

and the idea it conveys.

(i)Use linking and connecting devices

like however, moreover, further, be-

sides, despite, regardless, in spite of

notwithstanding, as far as, in view of

together with, therefore, hence, thus,

yet, etc. Such connecting words ensure

a smooth transition from one idea to

another in coherence. It also helps to

understand the author's view.

(j) Consistency in layout and documentation

2. What is the proofreading a text?

Ans. In the process of proofreading, you give

a final check for surface-level errors like

spelling mistakes, grammatically incorrect

expressions, missing punctuations, etc. It

focuses on more sentence-level errors.



1. Explain the figure of speeches?

Ans.(a)Simile: Similes compare the likeness and

often use the word 'like,' or 'as.' Example: O

my Luve is like a red red rose.


(b)Metaphor: A metaphor

something as another which can be compared

with the earlier in its feature. Metaphor is

understood that something 'is' something else

and not that something is 'like' something

else. Example: Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.

(c)Synecdoche: A part of something is taken

as a whole. "A hundred sails' for describing a

hundred ships.

(d)Oxymoron: Oxymoron features two words

which appear to contradict each other but

makes sense of the situation overall. Example:

"Pleasing pains,' 'I burn and freeze."

(e)Hyperbole: Hyperbole is an extravagant

exaggeration. Example: My grandad is as old

as time."

(f)Idiom: An idiom is a phrase which has

resemblance to the situation it describes, but

implies the facts or story behind it. Example:

"There is a silver lining in every cloud."

(g)Personification: In personification an

inanimate object or an abstract concept is

spoken of as though it were endowed with life

or human attributes. Milton writes of the sky

in Paradise Lost: "Sky lowered, and muttering

thunder, some sad drops/ Wept at completing

of the mortal sin."

(h)Symbolism: In symbolism, an object is

used as a symbol of something. For instance,

'a red rose' can symbolize love.

(i)Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition

of the same sound at the start of a series of

words in succession. Look at these lines

from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Ancient

Mariner. "The fair breeze blew/The white

foam flew/And the furrow followed free/We

were the first to ever burst into the silent sea."

(j)Assonance: Assonance is a literary device i

in which the repetition of similar vowel

sounds takes place in two or more words in

proximity to each other. Example: "Rise high

in the bright sky."

(k)Onomatopoeia:Onomatopoeia is the

formation of a word from a sound associated

with what is named. Examples are words like

'cuckoo' and 'sizzle.'

(l)Pun: Pun is a play of words. The pun

exploits the different possible meanings of

a word. Example: "A horse is a very stable


(m)Irony: Irony is a situation in which

something intended to have a particular result

has the opposite result.

spoken of as though it were endowed with life

or human attributes. Milton writes of the sky

in Paradise Lost: "Sky lowered, and muttering

thunder, some sad drops/ Wept at completing

of the mortal sin."

(h)Symbolism: In symbolism, an object is

used as a symbol of something. For instance,

'a red rose' can symbolize love.

(i)Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition

of the same sound at the start of a series of

words in succession. Look at these lines

from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Ancient

Mariner. "The fair breeze blew/The white

foam flew/And the furrow followed free/We

were the first to ever burst into the silent sea."

(j)Assonance: Assonance is a literary device i

in which the repetition of similar vowel

sounds takes place in two or more words in

proximity to each other. Example: "Rise high

in the bright sky."

(k)Onomatopoeia:Onomatopoeia is the

formation of a word from a sound associated

with what is named. Examples are words like

'cuckoo' and 'sizzle.'

(l)Pun: Pun is a play of words. The pun

exploits the different possible meanings of

a word. Example: "A horse is a very stable


(m)Irony: Irony is a situation in which

something intended to have a particular result

has the opposite result.

2. What are the rhyming scheme explain?

Ans. the rhyme schemeof a Shakespearean Sonnet as : ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.

Similarly if we look at the rhyme scheme

of a Petrarchan Sonnet it is: ABBA ABBA

CDE CDE OR CDC CDC and a Spenserian


3. Explain dramatic poetry?

Ans.Dramatic poetry is of three types the

first is drama written in verse, the second

is dramatic monologue and the third is


Dramatic monologue: Robert Browning's

poem 'My Last Duchess' is a dramatic

monologue. In the poem, a Duke is a speaker

and there is a listener. As the poem opens the

Duke says: "That's my last duchess painted

on the wall/ Looking as if she were alive."

The readers understand that the Duke is the

narrator and they also understand from the

lines that there is a listener.

Soliloquy: In Shakespeare's Hamlet,

the protagonist Hamlet utters the famous

soliloquy, to be or not to be.' It is written in

poetic form and is uttered by Hamlet when

he is alone. In a soliloquy a character speaks

his thoughts to himself and is not directly

addressing anyone.


1. Write the feminine form?

Ans. King - Queen

Grandfather- grandmother

Master - mistress

Salesmen - saleswoman

Hero - heroin

2.put a, an, or the in the following sentences?

Ans.A. There is a storm coming.

B. They went to the market to buy some


c. It was a good decision.

D. After a year or two they will return.

E. The fox saw a crow sitting in

a tree with a piece of c honest man is the noblest work of God.

G. They went to the station, but the train has left.

H.He lit the fire.

I. She wrote a letter to her father and posted it.

J. Would you please pass me the salt.

K. They shall be back in an hour's time.

L. The river was treacherous.


1. What are the tips to remember while preparing a precis?


(a)Read the passage thoroughly and

carefully to understand the mean-


(b)If possible underline or try to re-

member the most important parts

of the passage.

(c)Stick to simple language as far as


(d) Remove the unimportant details,

multiple examples, extensive sta-

tistics, and keep only the very es-

sential details.

(e) From an exam point of view, the

precis should be one-third of the

length of the original passage.

(f)Give a suitable title for the precis

not too long or not too short.

(g)Since a passage has to be small,

in most cases the precis only one

paragraph. A precis is not an es-

say and is not long.

(h)Summarizing does not mean add-

ing new ideas. The precis has to

be true to the original text.

(i)The precis has to be in Third Per-

son even if the original text is in

First Person or if it is in the form

of a dialogue.


1. Explain the different types of essays?

Ans.Although there are innumerable ways of

writing an essay and many different types

of essays, we can classify essays into four

major types for clarity: Expository, Narrative,

Persuasive and Descriptive.


(a)Expository Essay: An expository essay

requires the students to explore an idea,

communicate factual information, compare

and contrast, evaluate, provide a clear and

focused explanation of a particular topic.

(b)Narrative Essay: Narrative essays are

anecdotal and experiential. It tells a vivid story

usually from a particular person's viewpoint.

(c)Persuasive Essay: A persuasive essay has a

strong persuasive argument. It is an attempt to convince the reader of an opinion by walking through a number of logical arguments.

The persuasive essay can also be called an

argumentative essay as it argues in support of

an idea.

(d)Descriptive Essay: A descriptive essay

gives a detailed description of something

person, object, experience, place or situation.

2. What are the components of an essay?

Ans.Every essay can be divided into three

distinct parts: 1) Introduction, 2) Development

of an idea, 3) Conclusion.

In smaller essays, the introduction and

conclusion can be in a single paragraph each

and the development of the idea can be made

in many paragraphs.

3. What are the features of a good essay?

Ans.(a) A good essay of the result of careful

planning. It presents accurate informa-

tion and rejects what is redundant.

(b)A good essay is comprehensive in its

vision, yet not verbose and vague.

(c)It is as objective as possible and even

while presenting the author's own view

point, it is not prejudiced or biased.

(d) The language used in a good essay is

appropriate to the content of the essay.

Jargons are included only if the essay is

intended for a specific group of readers

who understand those words.

(e) A good essay is clear and concise and

has an appropriate title.


1. What are the features of good report?

The following are the features of a

good report:

► Clear Objective

► Proper Structure

► Easy and Clear Language

▶ Audience appropriate jargons.

► Accurate Information

▸ Objectivity

▶ Relevance

► Conciseness

► Attractive Presentation

2. Explain the structure of a report?

Ans.The structure of a report is as given below:

▸ Title

► Table of Contents

>Statement of Problem


► The context of the report and pro-

cedure followed

► Findings and Recommendations

► Conclusion

► Appendices (in any)

► Bibliography

3. Explain the features of newspaper report?

Ans. >Headline (Title)

>Reporter's name, Place and Date

(Depending on the report, name

or place can be excluded too)


► Conclusion

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