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1. When was the first Roman conquest of Britain occurred?


2. What was the reason for the immediate withdrawal of Julius Caesar from the first Roman conquest?

Ans. Image rebellion broke out in gowl

3. Who was the chief of the British stripes United against the invasion of Claudius?

Ans. Caractacus

4. In which battle caractacus was formed to subdue a large region south of the themes to the Romans?

Ans battle of Medway 43CE

5. Which was the remarkable Rebel in faced by Romans for the Celtic people of Britain?

Ans.the rebellion of Boudicca

6. Which Roman governor suppressed the rebellion of Boudicca?


7. Which British governor implemented the reforms to romonize the Britain?


8. Mention the work which provides a detailed account of the Roman invasion and its impact on the British Isles?

Ans.Tacitus biography of Agricola

9. Where did Rome established their first colony on the British islands?


10. What was the first capital of the Roman province in Britain?


1. How does the Roman rule reflected in the language and literature of the British people?

Ans. Before the Romans came very few people could read or write in Britain instead information was usually passed from person to person by word of mouth the Romans wrote down their history their literature and their loss their language was called Latin it is spread in the newly buildrom and towns written adopted plenty of words and phrases from latin words like exist and pedestrian are some of the examples British coins are based on Roman designs and some of the lettering is in Latin for example words written around the edge of some British pounds is the phrase Deus et turnament which mean glory and protection .

In short Roman rule played apo tell role in changing all aspects of British lies and culture even after they were gone the Romans left their mark all over the country the Romans left behind new towns force plants and animals also a new religion and ways of reading and counting.

2. How does the emergence of christianity spread in Britain?

Ans. The emergence of Christianity from a persecuted set to a global religion is a remarkable story in the first century a d Britain had its own set of religious beliefs a kind of organism like do some prevailed there into this superstitious world came a new believe from the first from the east called Christianity. In the first century there was no organised effort to convert the British into Christianity the organised attempt be gain when the Roman traders and artisans arriving in Britain started propagating the story and tech kings of Jesus Christ among the British after Roman Congress of Britain and the subsequently legislation of Christianity in the Roman empire individual Christian romance came to Britain for the purpose of conversion.

The first organised attempt of the propagation of Christianity was the Gregorian mission in 597 AD. It was a very he significant event in the religious history of England the Gregorian mission was dispatched by pope Gregory the great the purpose was to convert Anglo saxons Britain into Christianity Gregory choose Augustine a benedicting monk to lead a mission to Kent. During that time it will beard was the ruler of kent the mission was a great success as it set up the future course of Christianity in Britain. Adult bird the ruler of kent was converted to the new religion and the missionaries where allowed to preach freely and convert people most of the environment relating to the advent of Christianity into England comes from the venerable beads ecclesiastical history of the English people.

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