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UNIT - 2



1. Which incident in Scotland is said to have sowed the seeds of civil war?

Ans. Bishop's war

2. When did the restoration period start in England?

Ans. 1660

3. Which section of the Parliament argued for a government after the model of

ancient Rome?

Ans. Republicans

4. Who succeeded Charles II to the English throne?

Ans.james 2

5. What was the literature of England after the Restoration generally known as?

Ans. Restoration revolution

6.Name the peaceful transfer of power that took place in England in 1688.

Ans. Glorious revaluation

7.Which general prepared the ground for the Restoration?

Ans. George monck

8. Who became the rulers of England in 1688 after the flight of James II?

Ans. William of orange state and Mary

9. Which event made the parliamentarians invite William of Orange state to take

up the throne of England?

Ans. The birth of an heir for James 2

10. Who succeeded Oliver Cromwell for a brief period?

Ans. Richard Cromwell

1. Prepare a note on the role of Oliver Cromwell in the establishment of the commonwealth of England

Ans. The execution of the king invited hostilities

from all over Europe. In spite of that, England

was declared a Commonwealth by the Rump

Parliament (the Long Parliament after the

expulsion of the 121 members) in 1648. The

monarchy and House of Lords stood abolished.

In this system, the power of the government

was vested with a Council of the State, the

Rump Parliament and the army. The military

became a part of the English government.

Due to his military success, Oliver Cromwell

had become the undisputed leader of the

Parliamentarians. He dealt with the revolted

royalists in Ireland and Scotland and gained

a reputation as a good administrator and

diplomat. His victories over the Irish, the

Scots and the Dutch brought a great reputation

to the Commonwealth government.

The Rump parliament went on with the

conservative laws without adopting any

reforms in the legal system. The attempt to

abolish the Court of Chancery, one of the

branches of the High Court, created much

opposition from the central courts. As it failed

to adopt popular reforms, the Rump parliament

was dissolved by Cromwell in 1652. The new

Parliament nominated by the assembly could

not do anything better. Therefore, it dissolved

itself, and the power returned to Cromwell.Oliver Cromwell assumed the title Lord

Protector in December 1653 and ruled like a

dictator till his death on September 3, 1658. A

pragmatic section of the population, including

the lawyers, office holders and magistrates,

desired to establish a heaven on earth. The

Republicans wanted to shape the government

after the model of Ancient Rome. The social

reformers wanted the land to be returned to

the common people. There were also some

social radicals known as Quakers who had their vision of the new government.

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