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1. Where was paper invented?

Ans. China

2. Which part of non-wable communication includes certain body moments and gestures?

Ans. Body language

3. Mention and emotional barrier to communication

Ans. Anger and Pride

4. What is the element that makes reading more enjoyable?

Ans. Reading comprehension

5. Identify the type of noun:"chairperson"

Ans. Countable noun

6. Choose the correct option: a bunch of keys ____(is/are) missing

Ans. A bunch of keys are missing

7. Choose the correct option:the committee____(meet/meets) every week

Ans. The committee meets every week

8. Choose the correct answer

Mary:" I have been to London"

Steffi:"Mary said that she ____to London"

a. Had been

b. Has been

c. Was being

Ans. Had been

9. Use the correct question tag: everyone was happy_____?

Ans. Aren't they

10. Write the plural form of calf and scarf

Ans. Calves and scarves


1. What is para language or vocalics?

Ans. The way in which people show what they mean other than by words they use, for example by their own of voice or making sound with the breath.

2. What is active listening?

Ans. Active listening requires to listen with attention to a speaker,and understand what they are saying and giving them a feedback.

3. Define the scanning method of reading

Ans. Scanning is going through lines, paragraphs, and pages quickly,but not throughly to find out some specific information. In scanning we do not read the whole text, but only a few lines which contain the information that we are looking for.

4. What is meant by "text base"?

Ans. The three levels of categorization of reading comprehension form together a method known as text base.

5. Mention any two tips for writing good answers in the examination.

Ans.a) take thinking time

b) understand the questions

c) use simple language

6. Write the four simple structure and elements of a newspaper.

Ans.a) headline (title)

b) reporters name, place and date.

c) body

d) conclusion


1. List some guidelines for effective communication.

Ans.a) listening is a very important part of communication. It helps in understanding what the speaker is trying to convey and respond accordingly. Be an active listener. Active listening refers to engaging with the speaker by giving affirmative replies asking follow up.

b) questions show mirroring of gestures as encouragement. It helps to show that you are paying attention to the speaker.

c) relay on nonverbal communication. It is not just words that communicate. Paying attention to facial expressions and body language is very important. Maintaining eye contact,limiting hand gestures,and having a good poster are some of the examples of a positive body language.

d) regularly practice public speaking.

e) manage your emotions and express them only at the appropriate time. Watch your tone. Exhibiting strong emotions can hinder good communication.

f) demand honesty feedback. Be open to suggestions.

g) develop a filter. There are things that are to be avoided by communicating with others,especially in a formal scenario. For example,keep away your prejudices and do not let them affect your communication.

2. Write a short note on the seder receiver model of communication.

Ans. A sender is a person who initiates the communication process he or she produces the messages and passes it to the receiver who process and understand it before sending a feedback to the sender. The message is send to the receiver who in turned processes it and give reply which act as feedback. Feedback is necessary for communication to continue.

3. What are the key features of an essay.

Ans.a) good essays require careful consideration of planning and section of primary and secondary materials.

b) an essay must carry out a balanced viewpoint and not a biased one

c) an essay should have a direct,simple and lucid style divided of any kind of ambiguities.

d) coherence and continuity of thought between paragraphs.

e) a good essay will cover the various aspect of the topic comprehensively.

f) addition of anecdotes, ideas, quotations and examples makes essay impressive to the reader.

4. Explain ideas to conduct a skim reading of a book.

Ans.a) read the title page and the preface of the book

b) go through the table of contents to our general idea of the books content.

c) reading the index page will give you an outline of the teams addressed the type of books and writers, referenced ,and get a broad sense of the structure of book.

d) now that you have a general but still somewhat has he understanding of the books substance,look at the chapters that same to be pivotal to its argument. If the introductory or concluding pages of these chapters have summary statements,read them carefully.

5. Write a note on the writing style in communication.

Ans. Style in writing is described as a manner in which a writer rights. It is a strategy used by a single author in his writing. It differs from other to other and is determined by syntax, word choice,and tone. It is the others thumbprint-a distinct and lasting imprint on the works voice and personality. It is conceivable for two works created on the same subject or with the same theme to be structurally full feeling yet statistically superior to one another. Style refers to how one expresses once Idea and feelings in words.

6. Write a note on how to develop a plan for writing the answers to the exam questions.

Ans.a) take thinking time before you rush had long to answer questions. Make a pouch which will provide you time for thinking about your reply or answer.

b) understand the question. before you answer questions make yourself confident that you have understood the question. If you attempt answers without understanding the questions,you might be let to answer the questions in an inappropriate way.

c) address the question: answering questions should not be vague. Impressive answers address the issue that the questions highlight.

d) structure the answers: the structures of the answers differ on the basis of their types like short answer and essay questions.

e) use simple language: when you answer questions the language employed should be simple in order to avoid confusion due to ambiguous sentences.

f) chunk your answer: divide your answers into different sections so as to answer the question accurately.

g) take a balance approach: you are not supposed to present and unjustifiable arguments, immature and vague statements.

h) revisit the answer: when you complete your writing of answer you need to revisit the answer in order to ensure that you have satisfactory answered the question.

7. What are the process involved in writing an abstract.


It is the essence of the writing process. It is basically the experience that the writers gain from their life or from their surroundings through close observation. For instance when a writer wants to write a story with the specific event as its centre a specific set of characters, and a specific set of elements,that had once acquired in the writers mind and that had under gone strange alteration, within the writer will begin to spill out of their own Accord.


Form release to how and where a piece of writing will appear. Determines how others choose a particular language ,tone, structure in writing a text.

c) structure

It is the organisational form of written material. The structure is all about outlining the structure of a piece, including its order of events, how they are delivered, and how they are all interwoven together. To develop a structure the writer must first organise his material that is by deciding how much of what should be included in the word, and in what sequence it is to be arranged.


Style in writing describe the manner in which a writer writes. It is a strategy used by a single author in his writing. It the first from author to author and its determined by syntax,word choice,and tone.


1. What are the formalities and elements to be considered while approving or declining an application? Explain

Ans. The first email response to inform the applicant about the approval of his or her application has to strictly contain the main objective of the email: informing the applicant about the acceptance of the application. It can also include the appreciation of the applicant and the sharing of the happiness on the acceptance of the application. The email can also have a short bio description of the company or the institution. Convey the recipe in the nature and designation of the job or new assignment. Try to build a rapport with the applicant in the email itself and offer all support from the side of the company or the institution.

Unfortunately sometimes it is necessary to say" no" to some applicants who asked you to do something or approval of a job or project application. However some essential etiquets have to be maintained even at the time of refusal response letter. Some etiquets have to be maintained are:

a) and opening compliment. say something positive to break the ice

b) definite "no" that leaves no doubt about your position of declining deposition

c) statement that keeps the door open to business or relationship in the future

d) a good luck wish for success in the venture you are refusing to join.

2. What message does Kalam intend to convey in the dream and the message?

Ans. Kalam tries to get clues from great leaders and innovators like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Ashoka ,Omar and Albert Einstein to make his own conclusions. Coming to the conclusion,he realizes that the only method to solve the destructive side in humans is acquiring education. Along with the material opportunities and possibilities involved in education, Kalam advocates the necessity to incorporates spiritual aspects to it. This symbiosis of the spiritual and material is invertible to solve the contemporary hurdles of mankind. Disbalance between the material desires and spiritual pursuits helps a person to achieve peacefulness in his life. Kalam suggest Indian youth to unleash there in your power to serve their motherland. In this pursuit,he recommends both the scientific temper and spirit of enquiry to take this nation reach with resources into a happier one. To occur this aim,he recommends adopting the models of exemplary personalities. Life is all about peace and prosperity and there is no question of exploitation and conflict. The message that can be shared to the planet is that every doctrine that we follow and every action we purse you should be good for the whole of mankind.

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