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Writer's picture: GetEazyGetEazy

Updated: Jun 20, 2024




1. The organisms that thrive on dead and decaying matter are called_______?

Ans. saprophytes

2. Rainfall range of tropical moist deciduous forest is_____?

Ans.100to 200 cm

3. The percentage of freshwater on the surface of earth which serves the needs of lives is_____?

Ans. 2.7 percentage

4. The kind of erosion occurring in natural depression is_____?

Ans. Ephemeral erosion

5. Management and integration of trees and crops on the same plot of land is called_____?

Ans. Agroforestry

6. Ecological pyramids were developed by____

Ans.charles Elton

7. What is the expansion of NFT?

Ans. National electronic funds transfer

8. In general species driversity_____ as we move from the equator to the poles

Ans. Decrease

9. How many biodiversity hotspots are there in India?


10. Species which are vulnerable to extinction in the near future is called____

Ans. Critically


11. Areas designed to protect natural environment is_____

Ans. National park, sanctuaries

12. ____Is a vector bone disease

Ans. Dengu ,malaria

13. Sundarlal Bahuguna is associated with___

Ans. Chipko movement.


1. List out for environment conservation activities

Ans.a) swachh Bharat abhiyan

b)Haritha Kerala mission

c)Eco club

d)nature club

2. How can you say that human activities are among the reason for climate change?

Ans. Global warming was a prominent activity of humans which can be reason for climate change. The impact of global warming are different. Because of global warming many countries in the world will suffer from drough. Agriculture production will be minimised to a significant extent. Global warming will automatically lead to rise in temperature according to the intergovernmental panel on climate change setup by the United Nations environment programme in 1998 the world is already 0.5 Celsius warmer

than the pre industrial period and this rise in temperature will be on ongoing process.

3. Define sustainable development.

Ans. The concept of sustainable development was discovered by the 1987 green plan commission report as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The main features of sustainable developments are:

a) it respect and cash for all kind of forms

b) it improve the quality of the human life

c) it minimises did depletion of natural resources

d) itni community to care for their own environment.

4. What are the causes of desertification.

Ans. a)Over cultivation

b) overgrazing

c) over irrigation

d) deforestation

e) mining operation

f) growth of population

5. Define carbon footprint

Ans. Karbonn food print is the amount of greenhouse gases primarily carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by a particular human activity a carbon footprint can be a broad measure or be applied to the action of individual or family or even and entire nation. Eating clothes direct emissions such as those that result from fossil fuel combustion in manufacturing heating and transportation as well as emissions required to produce the electricity associated with goods and service consumed.

6. Write some threats faced by natural resources

Ans.a) overpopulation

b) over exploitation

c) climate change

d) environmental pollution

7. Comment on the threats faced by forest

Ans. Over exploitation: over 72% of species are threatened by over exploitation and 62 percentage by agriculture out of the 9000 species listed on the international union for the conservation of natures Red list of threatened species. Our exploitation of the unsustainable harvest of species from the wildest putting more species on an extinction pathway than any other threat.

Timber extraction: there has been unlimited exploitation of timber for commercial use due to increase industrial demand. Tinder extraction has significant effect on forest and tribal people.

Deforestation: deforestation is a serious form of environmental degradation. It is a global phenomenon and the global assault on forest continuous to be present. Deforestation means clearance of forest by human activities.

8. What is waterlogging?

Ans. Waterlogging is the saturation of soil with water. Sorry maybe regarded as waterlogged when it is nearly saturated with water much of the time such that its air phase is restricted and unaerobic condition prevail.

9. What is food chain? What are the types of food chain?

Ans. A food chain refers to the order of events in an ecosystem where one living organism eats another organism and later that organism is consumed by another larger organism. The floor of nutrients and energy from one organism to another at different trophic levels forms a food chain. There are two types of food chains namely the detritus food chain and grazing food chain.

10. Distinguish between weather and climate

Ans. Weather is the study of atmospheric condition for short duration of a limited area. Weather is influenced by anyone office predominant elements. It changes very often and it is experienced over small areas of a country. A place can experience different types of weather condition in a year.

Why climate is the study of the average weather condition observe over a long period of time for a larger area. Climate is the collective effect of all its elements. It is more or less premanant and it is experience over large area of the continent. A place can experience only one type of climate.


1. Write a short note on circular economy

Ans. A circular economy is a model of production and conception which involves sharing leasing ,reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. In this way the life cycle of products is extended. In practice,it implies reducing ways to a minimum. When a product reaches the end of its life it's materials are kept within the economy wherever possible. This can be productively used again and again there by creating further value. According to the world economic forum"a circular economy is an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by intention and design. It is replaced the end of life concept with restoration shift towards the use of renewable energy eliminate the use of toxic chemicals which Empire reuse and return to the biosphere and AIMS for the elimination of waste to the superior design of materials, products, systems and business models"

2. Comment on earthquake waves

Ans. When and earthquake occurs it releases waves of energy which are known as seismic waves. It is like the ripple created in water when you throw is stone in it. Seismic waves are like those ripples which can travel through the inside of the earth as well as on the surface. TVS are those ways that travel through the earth the originate and epicenter of the earthquake and travel through the earth at amazing speeds there are two types of body waves namely,

a)P waves

b)S waves

Surface waves are those waves that travel on the surface of the earth the destruction caused by earthquakes is primary done by these waves

3. Elaborate on the concept of zero waste.

Ans. Zero philosophy of eliminating the generation of materials that have no viable option for end of use management zero waste is a gold that is ethical and economical also visionary to guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices for sustainable natural cycles where all discard at materials are designed to become resources for other to use. Zero waste means designing and managing products and process to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste conserve and recover all resources and not burn or bury them is zero waste approach conscious natural resources and reduces pollution from extraction and manufacturing also disposal. Reducing and reusing means fever products are made as people by less and as products are made to last. Recycling keeps waste out of land fields and engineering are provides manufactures with recycled instead of raw materials to make new goods. Effective zero waste programs also include many different kinds of people such as waste worker cooperative local neighbourhood groups universities and government.

4.write down the effects of mineral extractio

Ans. Extracting and use of mineral resources can affect the environment adversely.

a) degradation of land

b) pollution of surfaces and groundwater resources

c) effect on growth of vegetation due to leaching out effect of minerals

d) surface water pollution and groundwater contamination lead to occupational health hazards etc

e) air pollution due to emission of gases

f) wastage of upper soil layer and vegetation

5. What is environmental equity

Ans. Environmental equity is the equitable distribution of the environment day burden disaster hazard and pollution on all forms of social and economical sectors. This concept evolves on them is that no single community should have privilege over other communities in facing environment and disturbance for crisis. The concept of environmental equity is derived from 2 words environment and equity environment means the sum total of the surroundings of a living organism the environment provides development and growth for both leaving and nonliving beans equity is linked with equality and it is based on the concept of an egalitarian society. Environmental equity can be broken down into two categories fair treatment and meaningful environment fair treatment means that no single sector of the population should be disproportionately affects by environment crisis as a result of law or policies. Meaningful environment means that groups can offer input regarding decisions that affect their health or their environment this environment also means that there input will be taken seriously and considered when making said decisions.



ans. If let is an overflow of water that submersius land that is usually dry floods can happen during heavy rainfalls when Ocean waves come on shore when snow Melts quickly or when dams or Levees break. The amazing flooding may happen with only a few inches of water or it may cover a house to the rooftop floods can occur within minutes or over a long period and may last days weeks or longer floods are the most common and white spread of all weather related natural disaster. Flood is usually a result of natural causes it may also be caused by man made factors it causes huge damage to life and property there are many different causes leading to flooding.

a) massive rainfall: drainage systems and the effective infrastructure design aid during heavy rainfalls they help the drainage of excess water into reservoirs in and easily but in case of heavy rainfall the system stops working thus,flood is caused.

b)overflowing of the rivers: the people living along the river always have a risk of life from the overflowing of the river to prevent such situation is string of dams are built however if these dams are not managed properly they may cause flooding and huge damage.

c) collapsed dams: in the event of huge rainfall the dams built being to collapse so causing the flood situation to become critical for the people living around

d) snow melt: at the time of the high melting of snow due to heavy precipitation and other factors the situation of flooding rises adopting sustainable measures for heavy precipitation can help in dealing with the flooding situation.

e) deforestation: trees prevent soil erosion and also the loss of crops the vegetation is also enriched as a result of more and more trees.

f) climate change: the climatic changes caused due to human practices also add to the risk of flooding human beings cut trees in large numbers does affecting the process of photosynthesis increased level of carbon dioxide in atmosphere cost changes in climate posing threads of natural disaster like floods etc

g) emission of greenhouse gases: the burning of fossil fuels industrial influences and pollution are depleting the level of the ozone layer and increasing the level of greenhouse gases does becoming a major cause of man made flooding

h) other factors: broken supply lines cause the out flow of water but led to less damage. There is water flow from the washing machine and overflow from dishwasher worsening the situation.

2. Write an essay on the major drivers of climate change

Ans. Larger emissions of greenhouse gases lead to higher concentration in the atmosphere greenhouse gas concentrations are measured in parts per million parts per billion and even parts per trillion. There are some important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere for example water vapour ,carbon dioxide ,me then nitrous oxide, fluorocarbons.

a)Water vapour

The most abundant greenhouse gas oven water vapour differs from other greenhouse gases in that changes in its atmospheric concentrations are linked not to human activities directly but rather to the warming that result from the other greenhouse gases emitted. As the temperature of the atmosphere rises more water is evaporate from ground storage because the air is warmer the absolute humidity can be higher leading to more water vapour in the atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas the higher concentration of water vapour the more thermal IR energy radiated from the Earth.

b)carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities carbon dioxide is naturally presented in the atmosphere and forms parts of the earth carbon cycle. Human activities are altering the carbon cycle both by adding more CO2 to the atmosphere and by influencing the ability of natural sinks like forest and soils to remove and store CO2 from the atmosphere.

c) methane

all the meading versus in the atmosphere for far less time than carbon dioxide it is much more potent in terms of the greenhouse effect human activities emitting me then includes leaks from natural gas systems and racing of life stock made in is also emitted by natural sources such as natural wetlands.

d) nitrous oxide

Human activities such as agriculture fuel combustion wastewater management and industrial process are increased the amount of n2o in the atmosphere nitrous oxide is also naturally present in the atmosphere and forms the earth nitrogen cycle and has variety of natural sources. Nitrous oxide molecules stay in the atmosphere for an average of 114 years before being removed by a sink or destroyed through chemical reactions the impact of £1 of n2o on warming the atmosphere is almost 300 times that of £1 of carbon dioxide. Globally about 40% of total n2o emissions come from human activities.

e) fluorocarbons

Unlike mini other greenhouse gases fluorinated gases have no natural sources and only come from human related activities they are emitted through their use as substitutes for ozone depleting substances and through a variety of industrial process such as aluminium and semi conductor manufacturing.

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