UNIT - 3
1. Who was the author of the "ecclesiastical history of the English people"?
2. Which was the most important work of langland?
Ans.Piers plowman
3. What was the common name of the plague?
And. Black death
4. Name the most famous work of chaucer?
Ans. Canterbury tales
5. Who wrote the work confessio Amnetis?
Ans.John Gower
6. Which English writer created characters like the Miller, the wife of bath and the pardoner?
Ans. Geoffrey chaucer
7. Who imported the printing technology to England?
Ans. William caxton
8. Name the two famous morality place of medieval England
Ans. Everymaz and castle of perseverance
9. Name the most popular interlude
Ans.the four P's by John Heywood
10. Who is known as the father of English poetry?
Ans. Geoffrey chaucer
1. Explain the two types of plays in middle English period
Ans. The period also witnessed the popularization of drama the plays where mainly of two types morality plays and mystery plays morality plays emphasized the need to be moral and just in life while mystery plays deal with stories from the Bible morality plays where allighorical dramas in which characters personified moral qualities or abstractions and in which moral lessons were thought the castle of perseverance and every man are among the most important of the morality plays that have survived.
The term mystery play is sometimes used synonymously with the term miracle play some literary authorities make a distinction between the two designating as mystery plays all types of early medieval drama that draw their subject matter from gospel events and as miracle plays all those dealing with legends of the saints miracle plays dealing with the legends of the saints where less realistic and more religious in tone than those concern with biblical episodes and where eventually super later mystery or miracle plays where long cyclick dramas of the creation for and re demption of mankind based mostly on biblical narratives the usually include that is selection of old testment episodes but concentrated mainly on the life and passion of Jesus Christ they always ended with the last judgement the cycles wear generally financed and performed by the craft gills and stage on wagons industries and square of the towns text of the cycles stage and at and stated location in East anglia have survived together with fragments from Coventry, New castle and norwich which they are literary quality is an even but the achievement of the York cycle is greater and consistent of 48 single plays.