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UNIT - 1



1.who was the first monarch in Tudor Dynasty?

Ans. Henry seventh

2.which queen was known as virgin queen?

Ans.queen Mary

3.who was the boy monarch in the Tudor Dynasty?

Ans.edward sixth

4.which period is considered the golden period of the Tudor era?

Ans. Elizebethan Era

5.who attempted to restore England from Protestantism to Roman catholicism?

Ans. Mary first the Act by which Elizabeth was established as head of the church of England

Ans.the Act of supremacy

7.which Tudor monarch regned between the periods of 1558-1603?

Ans. Elizabeth first

8.which battle established henry Tudor the future Henry seventh on the English throne?


Battle of Bosworth

9.who was the successor of Henry eight?

Ans.Edward sixth

10.who was succeeded by lady Jane Grey?

Ans. Edward sixth

1.explain reformation in England under Henry 8th

Ans.The reformation in Germany and Switzerland started as a national and popular movement.But the English reformation was the personal motives of Henry 8th.he was the strongest supporter of the pope.when Martin Luther defined poe,he wrote a book refuting Luthers argument and sent it to the pope.then he was titled the name as the defender of faith by the pope. But he become the tool between the Roman church and church of England.

The prime cause of the breach with Rome was that the pope did not give consent for his divorce from queen Catherine of Aragon.henry was obsessed with the issue of a amale heir. Catherine who was more than five year older than Henry failed to deliver a son after several early deaths and stillbirths she had managed to give birth only to princess mary. moreover he was already infatuated with Anne boleyn who refused to become his mistress

Henry Sough sanction from the pope for his divorce on the ground that first marriage to Catherine was illegal as she was the widow of his brother as he was eager to marry Anne Henry ultimately decided to decide the pope he someone a parliament and a subservient parliament passed a series of laws abolishing the pops authority in England Henry married Anne boleyn in January1533 and princess Elizabeth was born in September 1533.

In an act of appeals was passed for bidding Roman control over the English Church the parliament passed the act of supremacy which declared the English King to be the only supreme head of the Church of England and had the power to appoint all ecclesiastical official and dispose of the people revenues even though Henry's first intention was merely to put pressure on the pope to grand that he was it ended in complete severance of English people from the Roman Church to which they had belong to a thousand years this also lead to the establishment of a liturgy in English the book of common prayer.

There was much opposition in England to the act those who refused to follow the act of supremacy were punished John fisher bishop of Rochester and Thomas more the author of utopia who served as a chancellor was executed in 1535 for refusing to accept Henry as the head of the church chancellor for several years also had to pay with his life when he failed to get the pops sanction for Henry's divorce from cathering Henry was not a protestant in doctrine but he is aim was to keep England catholic without the pope.

In 1539, statue known as the statue of 6 articles was passed and this define the chief doctrines of the Church of England the law imposed the death penalty on anyone who question the catholic doctrines.

Henry 8 has always seemed the very embodiment of true monarchy even his evil deeds never forgotten have been somehow amalgamated into a memory of greatness he gave his nation what it wanted divisible symbol of its nation hood he also had done something towards giving it a better government a useful navy and a start on religious reform and social improvement but he was not a great man in any sense also a leader in every fibre of his being he little understood where he was leading his nation.

These events relating to henry 8 let to the reformation in England and it was a remarkable event in the history of England.

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